Annah's ambition to grow her farm
Annah Wacheke (42) is a wife and a mother of four residing in Kagondo village. She is a small-scale farmer, rearing cows and chicken for milk and poultry meat sales. She became a client of ASA Kenya in June 2021 and took out her first loan of KES 20000 2 weeks later to purchase poultry feed and pesticides. Currently, she is repaying her third loan of KES 30000 disbursed to her in June 2022.
She says:
"Borrowing from ASA is good for this village because many women have a chance to access money easily through the Loan Officer who visits the area weekly for group meetings. When these women acquire money, they set up or invest it in the neighbourhood, increasing money circulation in our village. We want ASA to open more groups in our village so that women who have not yet joined can do so and benefit.”

It is Annah’s wish to apply and receive a loan amount of KES 50000 once she has cleared her current loan balance. She would like to invest this amount in constructing a larger cow shed that can host more cows and add chicken stock with the idea of realizing considerable sales during the upcoming December holiday when demand is high. Her long-term goal is to invest KES 300000 in a locally-used pick-up, which would help her transport raw materials and farm produce to different markets. “My husband is due to retire from work and we have the idea that he will join me in the farming business.”